Signs It's Time for a New or Refreshed Professional Website: Knowing When to Call in the Experts
web design, branding

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, your website isn't just a static entity—it's the dynamic face of your brand, the virtual storefront that greets potential customers from around the globe. In a matter of seconds, visitors form opinions about your business based on what they see and experience on your site. Therefore, it's crucial to keep your online presence fresh, functional, and aligned with the expectations of modern consumers. But how do you discern when it's time to enlist the expertise of a professional designer for a website overhaul or refresh? Let's explore the telltale signs that you could use a makeover:

1. Outdated Design:
Does your current website look like it's stuck in the early 2000s? (No offense, NSYNC!) A dated design can make your brand appear unprofessional and out of touch with modern trends. As a brand designer or graphic designer, you understand the importance of visual appeal and staying ahead of design trends. Refreshing your website's design can breathe new life into your brand and make a positive impression on visitors.

Remember when Google used to look like this? 

2. Poor User Experience:
Is navigating your website akin to navigating a maze? If users struggle to find what they're looking for or encounter broken links and slow loading times, it's time for a redesign. Sluggish loading times and cumbersome navigation can frustrate visitors, prompting them to seek greener (read: faster and more user-friendly) pastures elsewhere. Creating intuitive navigation and optimizing performance can make for a seamless user experience. The last thing you want is users giving up and leaving because they can’t find what they’re looking for. Adding levels of content and interaction gives your users more to do, and is simply more enjoyable – they’ll stay and hang out for a lot longer.

3. Lack of Mobile Responsiveness:
In today's mobile-centric world, having a website that's not optimized for mobile devices is doing more than half of your visitors a disservice. Today more than ever it's important to utilize responsive design and ensure your website looks and functions flawlessly on all devices. As a web designer, you understand the importance of responsive design and ensuring your website is accessible to users on the go.

4. Ineffective Brand Messaging:
Does your website effectively communicate your brand's story, values, and offerings? Your brand is more than just a logo or color scheme—it's the sum total of your business's values, personality, and promise to customers. Inconsistencies in branding can dilute your message and erode trust among consumers. A professional designer can ensure visual cohesion across your website, from the choice of typography and color palette to the tone of voice used in copywriting.

5. Ineffective Call-to-Action (CTA):
Are visitors to your website unsure of what action to take next? If your CTA buttons are unclear or buried beneath layers of content, you're missing out on valuable leads and conversions. As a freelance designer, you know the importance of creating compelling CTAs that encourage visitors to take action.

6. No Room to Grow:
Are you ready to add new features to your website, like e-commerce, a blog, animation, or a more custom design, but your current cookie-cutter platform is stopping you? It may be time to switch to a platform that can help you grow and add to your site as your business expands.


If your website exhibits any of these signs, it's time to call in the experts. A new or refreshed professional website can help elevate your online presence, attract more clients, and ultimately grow your business. Ready to get started? Click the button below.

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© Emily Gommel Creative 2024


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